We are a New Testament ministry mandated to teach and preach the full Gospel of Christ with practical demonstration of God’s love and power all over the world; in every nation, every tongue and tribe, in every region, culture, continent and Earth space. 

Thus, we are committed to teaching, training and inspiring the Church into the Reality, Maturity and Ministry in Christ Jesus, with a strong emphasis on the reality of the New Creation in Redemption.

Our core focus as a church is to empower the body of Christ with the Gospel of Grace; raising an army for God’s end-time vision, worshipping in truth and in spirit and speeding up the glorious return of Jesus Christ our Lord. 


Gospel City International Church aka Blessed Generation Inc., started on the 7th of August, 2007 as a small prayer fellowship in the sitting room of the founder, following a divine instruction to the man of God to gather people with all manner of issues and challenges; give them hope and provide them with a platform for prayer through His word. 

After three years of progressive growth, the vision switched from normal prayer fellowship to a church proper when God instructed His servant to do so, holding its first Sunday service on the 10th of August, 2010.

Our Ministry, right from its inception till now, has greatly impacted and transformed thousands of destinies; filled uncountable mouths with testimonies through the message of Grace and the demonstration of God’s love and power; brought addition to the kingdom of God through lots of quality, creative and strategic programmes and community services. 

With the ever increasing membership of her branches in two main regions (Eastern and Western) in Ghana now, Gospel City International Church is set to expand her scope and coverage throughout Ghana and spread across the globe as God give us the grace per time. 

The ministry has recently inaugurated her ministerial training arm – Gospel City Ministerial College – which aims at raising a people for God’s end time vision of placing the true and pure gospel at the very centre of the heart of every creature. The school is opened to both our members and every member of the body of Christ.


Ebhen Osei-Effah is an ordained minister of the Gospel of Grace, graced with supernatural insight into the Word of God. Called as an Apostolic prophet and a teacher, he’s passionate to see people come to the knowledge of the Truth. To him, “the greatest tragedy in life is not death or a collapse of an empire, but a whole life lived in ignorance of the Truth” This passion, coupled with series of supernatural encounters he has had with Jesus Christ Himself, has been the motivational force behind his life and ministry. 

He is a multi dimensional minister, whose ministry is characterized by wisdom and unusual demonstration of the power of God. He is an author, composer and a singer, counselor and a life coach.

He’s married to Henrietta Osei-Effah, a seasoned Bible teacher with special burden to see women take their proper and rightful place in the plans and purpose of God. To her womanhood is beyond cooking and giving birth.  Their marriage is blessed with great and wonderful children.

  • Bible Verse of the Day

    Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.